Navigating Cultural Foods When They’re Fear Foods

Leah is dreading the upcoming holidays because she knows that she’ll feel pressure to eat foods that scare her. Leah’s family celebrates Christmas and Hanukkah, meaning that December will bring a whole lot of fried foods, carby dishes and desserts to the holiday table. Leah wants to be able to eat these foods, but she’s…

Principles of Intuitive Eating for Athletes

Intuitive eating is a great way to honor your health by listening to your body in order to meet its physical and psychological needs. This approach can be beneficial for many people, including athletes! Why eat intuitively as an athlete? Intuitive eating can help athletes improve their relationship with food and their body within the…

How Embodiment Practices Support Eating Disorder Recovery

Seetha has been feeling anxious lately. She has been working tirelessly to get into medical school. With late nights, early rises, staying in to study, applying to different schools, volunteering at the hospital, and everything in between, Seetha is also exhausted. On this one Saturday morning, when she couldn’t study any longer, she decided to…

How to help your child be food and weight neutral

Introduction Growing up is not an easy time for children nor parents. Children are faced with changes in personality, emotions and behaviors, as well as constant physical changes as their bodies develop and mature; this makes them particularly vulnerable to preoccupations with body shape and weight. Those living in larger bodies might find it particularly…

Yoga and the Eating Disorder Recovery Process

Introduction to yoga Have you ever seen people practice yoga and wondered what it’s all about? What are they doing and what’s the purpose? In recent times, yoga has gained in popularity among several populations, including those in eating disorder (ED) recovery. In fact, yoga has been integrated in residential programs for ED recovery, which…