How to know when you’re full – Exploring different levels of fullness

0:19 – Introduction to Fullness Levels Now that we’ve covered the Hunger portion of the Hunger/Fullness card, let’s explore our YouTube video that talks about the Fullness portion. We’ll explore the different levels on the fullness spectrum, with an emphasis on the experience around eating disorders and disordered eating. 0:31 – Starting at Level 5,…

parents and teenager

How to Talk to Your Teenager About Healthy Eating

Oftentimes, you’ll hear the words ‘dieting’ and ‘healthy eating’ being used interchangeably. This can be confusing, especially when anti-diet dietitians are consulting people on how to ‘eat healthy’. We each build a relationship with food from the day we’re born, and many things can affect that relationship as we grow up. As parents or caregivers,…

How Can ACT Help You Recover From An Eating Disorder?

To begin, let’s quickly review what ACT means… ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It is an evidence-based model that helps us understand and explore the experiences that have shaped us into who we are today. It allows us to identify our values and help direct our time, energy and resources toward goals that…