Binge Eating Disorder is currently ranked as the most common eating disorder in the United States, impacting approximately 25% of medically obese individual.

This disorder is characterized by bingeing behaviors, defined as eating a large amount of food in <2 hours and the individual experiences a perceived loss of control.

‘When our bodies are in charge, we make choices that help us to feel good, eating what we want, when we want’

– Linda Bacon

Bingeing behaviors result in a significant level of distress (guilt, shame, regret) and/or physical discomfort. Binge Eating Disorder is distinguished from Bulimia Nervosa due to the absence of compensatory behaviors to mitigate the unwanted distress.

Bingeing behaviors are prompted by physical vulnerabilities, emotional vulnerabilities or both, presenting simultaneously.

People that are deemed medically overweight or obese have forever been encouraged to restrict their caloric intake to ‘take control’ and ‘manage’ their weight. When the body is in a chronic state of deprivation, bingeing will naturally occur.

Food can provide emotional comfort and a numbing effect when eaten in a state that feels somewhat dissociative. Bingeing will often be described as a soothing, rewarding or relaxing mechanism for individuals who do not have effective strategies to manage uncomfortable emotions.

Our team of experienced professional dietitians is here to help!